Monday, 20 July 2009

Some good news...

I was supposed to be having a blood test this morning but I managed to lose all my veins upon arrival at the surgery! I sugested we did a simple finger prick glucose test to se how high my level was... thankfully the nurse agreed rather than spending some time digging into my arm to find the red stuff! The result...4.6 which I believe is deemed acceptable so that is on thing I no longer need to waste time worrying about!

Work when I got there was actually rather good... I got a fair amount done without any stress or hassle. To be honest I felt good, far better that I have done for some considerable time. A good feeling for once and I didn't cry on the way in or on the way home - a huge advance on the last few weeks and a massive relief for me as I don't have to try to pull myself together either on arrival at work or as I drive home.

I was thinking back over the weekend today whilst I was having lunch and there was something about Saturday that left me feeling really good about both myself and the world! I have no idea exactly what it was so I don't know how to repeat it - but I'll carry on trying until i work out what it was!

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