Wednesday 27 April 2011

Mid week and the hump has hit...

Another odd day really - and major league bed suction this morning meant getting up was 100 times harder than yesterday…and I have a feeling it will be even worse tomorrow. I have no idea why I am so exhausted all the time, I could sleep for England at the moment! I have no problem getting to sleep and most nights I stay asleep…although last night I will admit I didn't as my bed fellow was in wriggle mode and that kept waking me up! When he finally got up for whatever reason it was so tempting to simply roll over and make sure he couldn't get back in! I would have thought he would know by now that it is MY bed not his!!

Work today has been annoying more than anything else. Most of the companies I've needed to call have let their accounts staff have the 3 days off… NOT ON!! I'm still working so I would prefer to speak to people rather than leave voice mail messages that I know full well won’t ever get returned. When I did get to speak to a human it was a major achievement although I'm sure at least one person I spoke to doesn't have English as their first language and hadn't got a clue what I was talking about! I did resort to e-mailing my question at that point and I don’t hold out much hope of getting the sort of reply I need!

I think Andy is finally realising what trouble our son can cause! He looked almost as shattered as I did when I got home last night… although he did admit that he had a nap during the day whilst Mikey had his…that's something I never mastered - all the books tell you to sleep whenever the baby does but I just couldn't quite manage it and used to end up watching him sleep! Unless I was doing my wonderful impression of a mattress which at one point was the only way I could get him to have a nap! Poor old Andy has the added joy that he is doing hi s best to get mobile now…we may not be crawling quite, but we can get around rather quickly simply by rolling - although I'd imagine that can make him pretty dizzy at times - probably a good thing he's going blond at the moment!

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