Sunday, 14 March 2010

Week 24

The last week has been complete and utter hell... I had a follow up scan to the 20 week one on Monday - it really isn't good when the sonographer goes quiet and then goes to find a colleague to look too, and it happened to us on Monday (By us I mean baby and me, unforunately not Andy too) The problem appears to be with the pulmonary artery, it is slightly bigger than the aorta which is not good. I had an appointment made to see my consultant on Friday and I held everything together until I got back to my car and rang Andy. At this point I decided that driving to Dover wasn't going to happen and I took the day off to go home and basically cry...

I managed to pull myself together by wednesday and was back at work...the worst thing was nobody could tell me what the problem is...

Thankfully Andy got Friday off so came with me to see Dr Chisell, I was re-scanned and the arteries are stil different sizes but nobody is able to tell me what, if any, problem this could cause.We have been referred to Evelina Hospital at St Thomas's Hospital in London tomorrow...this is a specialist Childrens Hospital that opend on 2005 and was pretty much designed by children and specialises in cleft lips/palates and heart problems - so we're off to the top unit in the UK for fetal heart problems, so I'm sure they can sort us out...

It also helps that as of today the baby is classed a viable - so I now simply (!?!?!?) have to stay pregnant for as many days and weeks as I can from now. Each extra day means the baby is bigger and stronger and has a better chance. I've also been good and have kept my blood sugar controlled so the baby hasn't got too big or grown too quickly...infact we are keeping right where we should on all the charts they use at each scan... Plus I'm still being kicked regularly, I just wish it wasn't so often in the same spot...

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