Friday, 14 August 2009

Feeling Human....?????

I'm finally starting to feel a little more human now - I really wouldn't wish this swine flu on anybody. My voice is not working the way it should yet, but I guess last year left it rather weak and something it having fun with it ...taking it from one extreme to another, all I want is a voice I can rely on ot work when I want it to!!

I've been taking things easy this week, to be honest for the first three days I didn't even feel strong enough to get dressed... the cat tried yelling and swearing at me (his language is getting worse as time goes by) but he only got fed when I felt able to and his cat food wasn't making me feel sick.

The one good thing to come out of this week is I've finally managed to get some sleep... or rather I've passed out most nights! But trying to get up in the mornings has been terrible, actually Gizmos language has helped there as he hits exactly the frequency that makes my head excrutiatingly painful so I get up to shove food in his bowl and shut him up! One thing I have really missed this week is adult company to be honest....cats are not good conversationalists once they have been fed they either go out or fall asleep....

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