Friday, 19 June 2009

Medical stuff again....

I was back at the Dr this morning for the results from my blood tests last week.... I hope everyone is sitting down as it turns out my blood is NORMAL which is a real first for me! My blood pressure is still far or high, hence my headache not vanishing yet so my medication has been upped and I've been given some nice strong painkillers to make me even more zombified every day! But at least the pain will finally go.... I've also been referred back to Neurology but thankfully in Adshford rather than Canterbury so I guess I'll have a new neurologist from the 23rd July....

I am hoping I'll have got rid of the headache before then and I imagine I'll simply be told they still need to experiment with the medication I'm on - I've been told that I'm already showing the side effects of one of them but they are in no rush to change it for assumption is I'm on the cheap stuff and my side effects aren't considered serious enough to switch to the more expensive stuff... I'm not worth the extra money.

Fridays is Group therapy day and today there were only 2 of us! Not sure what happened to everyone else - but it was honestly tough for me. As we were finishing we were warned to look after ourselves this weekend as what we talked about may affect us more than we would expect it to... I'm already feeling decidedly wobbly so I really could do without another over emotional session but at times I simply can't control them and if I decide I want to cry I bloody well will...

Crying has been a bit of a theme this week, but I have obviously needed to do it and the images I've been getting in my head have just confirmed to me how far I have to go to beat this illness. My main aim at the moment is to get some people to accept I have an illness and I can't just 'snap out of it' If I could I would - why can't people realise how hurtful comments like that can be?

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