Friday 10 September 2010

Cranial Osteopathy

Mikey had his first appointment yesterday, and it's safe to say he adores Andrew who was working on him!! It appears that he is a little scrunched up/tight on the right hand side, possible due to his head engaging quite early and also the delivery taking a while and he did get a little distressed... (Cue Mum feeling very guilty...)

It is a strange experience for an on looker! Mikey was laid across our laps as we sat knee to knee and to be honest most of the time it was hard to see anything being done! But Mikey's face did show that he was enjoying it, although he also refused to let go of his SCBU dummy (it is his favourite, I dread to think what will happen when we have to throw it away) But I think I was almost as relaxed as Mikey was - Andrew has a very calming manner and makes you just relax! Maybe this is therapy for Mum and Baby!?!?!

We are going again next week, so we can have more work done on Mikey's back and neck and also check his skull bones positioning! I guess squishing through the birth canal can have a nasty effect on the poor little things and being a cowardly first time Mum I will do whatever it takes to look after/protect or make my gorgeous little boy feel better... and if I carry on like this I'll make myself cry again!

Life from now on gets a little busy! We have Mum & Baby group on Wednesdays, and from the 22nd we start a Baby massage course on Wednesdays as well! From next Friday I'm doing an Art/craft course whilst  Mikey tries out a creche (new socialising experience for him) and next Thursday is Osteopathy... Not sure whan he'll fit in all his naps!!

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