Friday 3 September 2010

3 Sept

Today was Grandad's birthday so Mikey and I headed over to Medway once I had dragged myself out of bed and got us both into some clothes - luckily those can't be confused! Breakfast for Mikey had happened at 6am, but he wasn't finished yet and needed a top up before we left - which gave me time to wrap birthday presents as I wasn't very organised yesterday!

We had a slight delay for a quick bottle at 10 before hitting the M20! The trip was uneventful, and once we arrived the car had to be unloaded as we don't travel light these days!  Grandad was given his birthday presents whilst Mikey had his first experience of singing happy birthday! I think the presents went down well as Grandad started eating his toblerone pretty much immediately!

Mikey had a great time, we had loads of smiles, lots of bouncing in his chair and major arm and leg waving thanks to his Fisher Price Camera from Auntie Nicky & Uncle Miff! I don't have a clue what it may be saying but he loves it! I think we are moving into the noisey toy stages now as they are far more fun for him! Thankfully the 2 he has do have off switches built in...failing that I may still need that sledge hammer I've been craving for the last 8 years! I just need a translator as the camera is talking away in Spanish and it lost me at Hola!

He's actually been awake for most of the day and has literally just fallen asleep! Typical as I want to feed him at 8 and then get him into  bed! His last feed was at 4 so he can't go to bed yet... He's also been filling nappies regularly today, as well as watering the sofa at Nanny's (bless him!) and puking milk down Auntie Nicky so she had to go home and change her underwear! (Daddy is very proud of him!)

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