I have been meaning to update over the last few days but for some reason I simply haven't got around to it - not through being rushed off my feet but more down to being totally exhausted all the time.
I think the party went well on Saturday, it was so nice to actually see people for once! Much as I wasn't enjoying work towards to end it did at least mean I saw people every day...OK, most of them didn't talk to me but they were still company! It was also good to have a laugh at the expense of Europe, I know many (most) European countries take the contest a little more seriously that the UK does and the political voting still makes me chuckle, but it was good to watch with a group of friend who treat the who thing with the disrespect I feel it deserves!!!
Sunday morning arrived far too quickly and the painting in the nursery started and the clearing out of the kitchen, until 11.00 when my midwife arrived. The bump and I got a clean bill of health - what was really amazing was how 'normal' my blood pressure was!! The baby partly helped when Nicki was listening to his heartbeat but then moved so it vanished totally! Bless him!
I'm still being woken in the early hours of every morning...usually to dash into the bathroom before someone goes into wriggle mode which means falling asleep again isn't going to happen! I was contemplating my ankles at 4.32 on Monday morning mainly as I could see ankles rather than cankles for once! This morning I was woken at 3.10am and I had intended ot have an afternoon nap, but Mum & Dad popped in so that went out of the window!!! Maybe I'll try to have an early night and hope I get a few hours before the bladder bouncing starts again! Even Andy could feel hw violent the movements were last night - I can honestly say I feel bruised at the moment and I can't wait to get through the next 3 weeks!!!
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