Thursday 10 March 2011

More Bendy than I thought...

I've been to see my Arthritis Consultant today and it appears that I have joint hypermobility... or I'm double jointed!!  I have never been known for my flexibility and in the dim and distant past when I had ballet lessons (honestly, well I went anyway!) I wasn't very good and my turn out and extension was pretty awful! But recently when I've had knees and ankles give out it has occasionally felt as though my knees are bending backwards (like a flamingo!) I have mentioned this to a GP who told me I was talking rubbish... It now appears I wasn't and it was the ligaments in my knee not holding it properly! My nephew has just been diagnosed with the same thing and my sister also has it... I will have to keep an eye on Mikey. Maybe he will be a Billy Elliot and will want ballet lessons as well!

I'm really hoping his teeth come through soon, they seem to be hurting him big time now and lunch time today was a real battle, 2 pots of Petit Filous when Daddy came home seemed to sooth the pesky gums though and he now seems quite happy. Mummy on the other hand is going through so much guilt at the thought of leaving him, luckily he'll leave before me in the morning so I can re-do the mascara once he's gone...

But being positive (to stop leaky eye syndrome) I am looking forward to getting my teeth back into something I know how to do and I'm not guessing at and/or making up as I go along! But Mikey seems to have survived so far without too many ill effects. My wonderful health visitor kept telling me to go with my instincts from the very beginning and it seems to work! I'm also trying to keep as calm as possible so Mikey picks that up rather than my normal panic mode! And I don't over react when he does something unexpected - which is something he is very good at and seems to enjoy!

He is also one very friendly little person - today he was charming the ladies in the blood test room at William Harvey as the consultant wanted another 6 or 7 vials of blood and my veins were not in helpful mode! It all came out of my wrist again but I have been assured I won't get a bruise like the one I have from Monday morning. This is a relief as it;s my left wrist and if I don't have my watch on I will not be a happy bunny!

One thing I've had to do is get some passport photos done for tomorrow... I admit I haven't had any done since 2003, but £5 for 4 tiny photos...and as usual they are not at all flattering so I'm now desperately hoping they are not for a security badge! As if they are, I'm not wearing it! But what is even better in NO MORE HI-VIS!!! I will no longer look like a tangerine with legs walking into work!!

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