Friday 6 May 2011

Why do so called short weeks seem to last 100 times longer than a normal one? This week was only 4 days thanks to the bank holiday on Monday for May Day (which may well be the last one we get) - I don't care that it's not politically correct, it's part of MY heritage and English History so it should stay. Unlike our Celtic cousins we don't get our Saints day off so why should we lose May Day??

Mikey this week has decided he has a new favourite toy - it's purple, bug shaped and makes one heck of a racket! I had been trying to convince him this week that it doesn't work in Mummy's car, but today I was kinder and let him take it with him… Luckily it fell on the floor fairly quickly and cruel, evil Mummy refused to stop to pick it up! I then left it with him with Nanny - I just wonder if it will still be working when I collect him! It does have an off switch but no volume control…although I'm sure a large hammer would have an effect! On other news we are still working on teeth, but we still only have 2 through - but from the various signs there have been this week I feel other arrivals are imminent! He's certainly creating enough fuss! And to think we'll go through it all again once they start falling out - how does one get in touch with the Tooth Fairy?? I know I threatened to wear Fairy wings for Emily's christening but I think they ended up in the loft! I also remember once swallowing a tooth myself and being totally devastated in case the tooth fairy didn't believe - I think I wrote her a letter and I know I got more than I usually did! Although I do remember being warned she wasn't always so understanding so I was very careful after that to try and pull them out before they got loose enough to fall out and be swallowed!

Otherwise our son is still decidedly vocal - he adores having the radio/cd on in the car and warbles along with it happily! Usually the right notes but more often than note in completely the wrong order! How old does he have to be before I can sign him up for a Cathedral Choir?? He did seem very intrigued by the choristers at the Royal Wedding last week! But I don't envy anyone trying to get him to wear a dress!! I had enough trouble with jeans this morning! And there are the odd word we can identify! He certainly says Daddy, sometime we get Mummy and he's working on Nanny - but poor Grandad doesn't get a look in! For some reason he also comes out with Baby fairly often….according to Daddy there is no chance of that!

In other news not much has been going on - Andy and I managed to lose exactly the same amount of weight this week - probably due to me not having my chocolate stash in the fridge. It may be good for my waistline but it really doesn't help stress levels when it gets to late evening and I go into chocolate craving mode…and at time like that Basics Chocolate mousse just doesn't fill the gap! Plus I couldn't 'borrow' any from Mikey as all his is White… Not even proper chocolate and so safe from the Mummy shaped Chocolate fairy! I can't guarantee the Daddy Shaped one won't succumb eventually though…! Other than that I'm seriously thinking about hitting the baking bug again next week… Hopefully we will be having our semi annual Eurovision gathering and food will be needed. I have Friday off and may just use the time to see if I can be creative (plus it will let me practice for possibly creating a small persons birthday cake!) For some reason I have a desire to make a red velvet cake…no idea why but I know I'm going to have to make it before I can move onto something else! Maybe I'll make small cup cakes and try to think of something European for the icing! Now that should be a challenge! Other than that I will confess food ideas are fairly slim and pretty none existent!

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