Sunday 8 May 2011

A Quiet Weekend

As I write this Mikey has Andy in a headlock! The original plan I believe was for Andy to sniff the infamous nappy but Mikey just grabbed hold instead. I have a feeling this may lead to a series of raspberries being blown on Mikey and serious giggling from the smallest wrestler in this bout! Earlier I spent a while trying to stop him sticking his fingers in his ears - I still haven't worked out why he has a real fascination with sticking his fingers in there but he does! Probably I don't want to know....

One thing that is going to have to happen soon is the loss of some of Mikey's curls! They are growing fast behind his ears whilst the hair at the back of his head is growing far slower. This morning I threatened to tie them into bunches...and the speed those bits are growing at the moment I'll be able to soon! Failing that I'll just have to be brave and trim the curls myself if only to tidy him up a bit! I don't want people thinking he's a girl after all! Mind you with the mess he gets himself into most days that should be unlikely! He really is such a boy at times! Why simply eat food when you can wear it and save some for later!?!??!

We have been trying the crawling motion today - but it mostly ended up with Mikey landing on his face! We don't seem to have the coordination needed quite yet - but I don't think it will be too long... I found out today that I didn't really bother with crawling, I simply shuffled around on my bottom (and according to my sister I haven't improved...) And Andy went straight to walking so who knows what Mikey will end up doing - but he'll do it in his own time and when he is ready rather than whatever the books and websites say... After all he hasn't read any of them simply as they don't make enough noise or have flashing lights!

As someone who loves books I'm trying to convince Mikey they're good - but as a 10 month old wriggle monster all Mikey wants to do is eat and suck books!! Not quite what I want but there is still time for him to decide he loves losing himself in a good story...

Although he may prefer comics...he's just headbutted his father quite happily and violence seems to really appeal! We just need a super hero who loves fromage frais and Mikey will adore him or her!

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