Friday 21 January 2011

New tricks...

We've made it t 7 months and to celebrate Mikey has mastered screaming for no reason at all. This has resulted in Mummy suffering a permanent headache and living on paracetamol for the forseeable future! The screams would be bearable if it was possible to vary the pitch downwards from the type we get at the moment which just goes straight through my head... It makes my past headaches feel like a stroll in the park and I have yet to decide of my head is trying to implode or explode! The thudding can get almost unbearable...

One new trick I am happy to live with is the way he can now grab stuff he wants! Right now he's on his play mat and I think he is trying to breed the elephant and the parrot! Somehow I doubt Dave would want one of those in his living room replacing the current visitor! We are also trying hard to roll over again, hopefully this activity will result in sleeping all night again, and sleep arriving soon after he ends up in his cot!

His other trick at the moment is to have a paddy if he is left alone - it makes going to the loo during the day interesting for me! Maybe I need a clone... he doesn't seem to mind who is with him so long as there is a person around (mainly to pick up the toys he flings across the room!) He has also started to react to his name! Maybe we did manage to chose the right one for him!!!

I'm still busy job hunting...this weeks knock back was due to me being over qualified. I could have done the job with one hand tied behind my back and both eyes closed. It was only a 3 month contract so I doubt I could have got bored enough to walk out in that time... It is nice to have skills recognised - but right now I just want a job. Much as I adore my son I need to spend a little more time with adults for me more than anything else (plus the money would come in handy too!) Just because I've had a baby it doesn't automatically follow that I'm going to have another one in the immediate future! It is illegal to actually ask the question in an interview yet I've had 2 where they have in a very roundabout way. What is even worse is one of the interviewers was also female and a Mum... But I'll still keep trying, there must be something out there for me!

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