Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Toddler Mood Swings

Just read this and it was scary how much I could identify with it...Right now I'm working hard to keep upbeat and positive, mainly for Mikey's sake if I'm honest - he is a wonderful reason most of the time that keeps me going.

I was doing well until this evening. I had arranged with Andy to meet him at the outlet centre so we could take Mikey to Hamley's to see if we could find anything else for Christmas for him. When I picked him up he had a mini tantrum as I tried to get him into the car, which was calmed down by telling him we were going to meet Daddy - although as we arrived he was asking for Nanny and Grandad!! He wasn't impressed that I put him in his pushchair but cheered u as he saw Daddy and he had a good look around (The Weeble Yellow School Bus certainly grabbed his attention) But as time went on he lost interest and started screaming so I made a hasty exit as the screaming volume and intensity was increasing far too quickly. Daddy walked part of the way back to my car but as he left the volume went up even more and as I tried to get him out of the chair he went crazy, screaming and Kicking whilst refusing to bend to fit into his chair. Once I had almost got him in he threw himself sideways to fall out of the chair and found he can just about stand up straight on the back seat. When I went to the other side he moved to stand in the middle and when I tried to touch him screamed even more.

Eventually I convinced him that if he let me put him in his chair we could get home and then he'd see Daddy again. As I tried to get him into his seat again he did the rigid thing again and started screaming for help. At this point an older woman walked back to her car which was parked nose to nose with mine. At this point he decided that he needed to breath so I heard her comment to her companions that I must be a terrible mother as I couldn't even get my child into his car seat. I was nearly in tears by this point and Mikey again threw himself out of his seat and returned to his position in the middle of the back seat and told me he wasn't using his seat. At this point I got into the car and calmly explained that Mummy is not allowed to drive the car if he isn't in his seat.  Eventually he agreed to let me strap him in safely and we arrived home to find he'd dropped the thing with the most importance to him...his dummy, lucky for him Daddy went out and found it. And he did eventually say sorry and give me a hug - but he also said sorry to Daddy...guess I know now where my  place is in his list of priorities...certainly below his dummy.

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