Saturday, 1 December 2012

Endings...and beginnings

My horoscope today:

You need to stretch out and relax today. Don't let your work-related worries or a family problem get under your skin. You may find that a little time alone with some good music and some comfort food could work wonders on your mood and sense of wellness.

So all I need is to put my feet up, decide what is good music for today and find some comfort food...Might just charge up my i-pod and stick it on shuffle and I'm sure there must be a comfort food stash somewhere in the house - if there isn't the tub of celebrations may not last much longer!!

Poor Mikey still has a streaming cold and a cough. Last night he was having so much trouble breathing it sounded like whooping cough, but he has had 3 lots of immunisation so far and is due the last one next October. NHS Direct really calmed me down last night, I'd been calm upstairs with Andy, but only really relaxed once I'd read that he is protected. Why couldn't he have got chicken pox so all I need to do is stop him scratching!!!

We've also had day 1 of the new Advent Calendar, Mikey did have one last year, but this year it is altogether more exciting!! This has arrived courtesy of Nanny and Grandad and is a large stocking with 24 pockets on the front and a candy cane to move each day. Mikey had his treat for today, thoroughly enjoyed his chocolate and then asked for the next one!! In his defence Grandad had a magic pocket yesterday that produced a lindt chocolate bear and a kinder bar (like the one he had this morning) so my small pig seemed to think he would get more than one a day!! But I'm sure he will soon work it out and Christmas will become more exciting for him as he does!! We have still to go and see Father Christmas although he did get a letter from the top man this morning - apparently he is about the same height as the elves at the moment! Mikey wasn't to sure what to make of this, and I'm not sure Father Christmas will understand him when he gets going! I know Andy and I don't and end up trying to make the best guess with the odd word we do understand!!

One thing we do know is no presents an go under the tree until Christmas Eve as Mikey has worked out the tearing wrapping paper off is a great occupation, but he doesn't care who they are actually for!! So Santa can't make any early deliveries this year as Mikey can't read labels yet...

Yesterday was a rather strange end to my time at Mikey was so poorly I stayed at home with him and then had a diabetes eye test in the afternoon. Not exactly fun as they dilate your pupils with some stuff which stings so far as I'm concerned. 2 photos are taken of each eye - and usually it takes more than 4 attempts for get photos of my eyeballs as my blink reflex is pretty fast. But the technician yesterday threatened to tape my eyes open so I managed to slow my blink down! But after 4 photos she was happy and I was allowed to leave, much to my relief and with a horrible headache which carried on all of yesterday evening, but does seem to have vanished mostly today thank goodness - although my legs doesn't seem to want to do what I want today and the family curse of painful knees has returned again - but I'm leaving the operations and platelet infusions to Nicky and the replacements to Mum!! So my exit from CSL happened on Wednesday with me dashing home just after 3 as Mikey was not a well little boy - and he is the most important person in my life now.


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