Saturday 16 October 2010

Falling apart

My stupid ankle is loads better now...but where I haven't been walking properly I've now messed up my right knee and it is total agony, but no way am I going to see a Dr, Osteopath  or any other medical type person as I'm going to take my old perspective on this problem...If I ignore it or long enough I'm sure it will go away!

Mikey is still busy growing, I weighed him at the Childrens Centre place on Wednesday and he's 14lb 15oz. My tiny baby is growing and he has even been wearing 3-6 month clothes too... He is also working hard on rolling over, we haven't quite done it yet but I don't think it will be too long once he's worked out how to get over the shoulder obstacle! He gets onto his side but really hates being on his tummy so everything comes to a griding halt! But I don't think that will last much longer as he seems quite anxious to get mobile!! I have a feeling the decorations on the Christmas tree may be on the top rather than the bottom half!

I will admit I have started Christmas shopping, and I am really loving looking at all the toys! We have bought  a toy box but it is already full so I think we may have to buy another 1,2 or whatever in the January sales! Failing that I'll just give him the boxes and wrapping paper to play with!

Sue managed to get over to see us in between hospital visits - Mikey loved her as she is 1) blonde and 2) paid loads of attention to him! She also sang songs to him which unfortuantely Mummy can't remember due to baby brain so if Auntie Sue wants another cuddle before she jets back to the sanity of the USA she is very welcome and I'm sure tea etc can be provided! Any other people who would like a Mikey cuddle are also welcome provided that are able to have an adult 'type' chat with Mummy...! Much as I adore my son I do sometimes need to talk in something other than baby gurgles!!


  1. I would love to see Mikey again....and sing him some songs. He was so therapeutic to me in the middle of so much stress. I do seem to connect with babies. I think we must view the world in the same way. If I can I will fit in another visit. You must continue to enjoy every moment as they really do grow so quickly. Christmas will take on a whole new dimension and I envy you the years to come. Donna and Lauren are spending Christmas with us this year and both Philip and I are looking forward to it. Enjoy your beautiful son.

  2. Wow how he's growing!! Great news about the ankle too. If I were you I'd make the most of the time you have left knowing you can put Mikey down and know he's not going anywhere. Baby-man is now walking and doesn't stay still for a minute. He'll be one next Sunday and I can't believe how fast the past twelve months has flown.
    Loads of luv
    & Baby-man
