Wednesday 18 August 2010

Sleepy times...

The daily and night;y routine is starting to get a little easier, except when Mikey gets a little upset and won't settle! Monday night was one such episode as we ended up resorting to Calpol which finally got him to relax and go to sleep! I can honestly say that is is a wonderful invention and I can now see why so many friends with children swear by it! I'm never having a house without it from now on! After all the poor little thing can't tell me when something is hurting other than by screaming blue murder for 2-3 hours!

I have a feeling that Mikey has had a sort of bug this week as since Monday he has spent hours and hours each day fast asleep...more often than not whilst laid on me so just call me a cot from now on! But I guess I am reassuring or smell/sound safe to him so I'm not complaining, plus it gives me a valid excuse for cuddles! Not that I really need any excuse to be honest - plus the Dr told me to keep cuddling as it helps negate post natal depression!

We had a health visitor here on Monday - not our usual one as she is on the grandparent version of paternity leave as her daughter has had a little boy as well! Mikey got weighed again and has now reached 11lbs 3oz - and is staying on the centile line he started on (well slightly above it now) so 'they' are pleased with how he is doing - maybe we are getting things right at the moment... miracles have been known to happen after all!

Mikey is getting a little more talkative at the moment - it is wonderful to see him telling Andy all about his day when he gets home from Work. They lay on the floor together and Mikey tells him everything he's done (usually this is sleep!) and Andy listens really carefully. Father Son bonding is wonderful to witness....

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