Tuesday 6 July 2010

2 weeks old...

Techically Michael should now be with us as he was due on 4th July! I have no problem with him being 2 weeks old now, at least our birthdays are seperated a little more than it originally appeared they would be!

I have been discargd by the midwife tem today, but I am allowed to still phone them in a panic up until Michael is 28 days old - after that I have to phone the Health Visitor as the midwives have no expertise re babies over 4 weeks old!!! Crazy or what!

The midwife I saw this morning gave me quite a talking to - I have to start being nice to myself as I'm at risk of running myself right into the ound and I'm increasing my risk of post natal depression. I'm already feeling that I'm failing Michael as I don't know how to stop him screaming at 3am and I have been told to stop thinking like that and that I'm still learning...and it can take several months for summer babies to learn that night time is for sleeping simply beause there isn't a long period of darkness over night!

But during daylight we have a very contented and laid back baby, not much phases him and this afternoonn he happily filled nappy after nappy! All I've done today is feed him and change him! He's had several major naps but I didn't manage to do the same...Oh I've also burst into tears for no reason on several occassions - stupid hormones have so much to answer for!

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