Thursday, 11 April 2013


Had a bit of a milestone today!  Mikey had his 2 year 6 month review and I am now a very proud Mum. He was busy playing while I chatted to the Health Visitor (another Sally...his speech therapist is also Sally... I'm likely to get confused eventually!)

The first different thing was being sent up stairs ay the Doctors. Mikey adored looking down on everyone in the downstairs waiting room...luckily he didn't have anything to throw!!! We didn't have to wait for long and we saw the same person who did his 1 year review. Mikey was given a few toys (shape puzzles and a few blocks which he immediately stacked and demolished with gusto) while I had a chat with Sally. There was a trainee health visitor who was trying to cope with Mikey, unfortunately for her he had found the measure on the wall and she tried to measure him. .. But being Mikey it wasn't that simple and after several attempts it was decided he is about 94.1 cm tall. Next up was weight...but someone spotted how you rest the scales so kept doing it. He did that at his first hospital appointment and obviously hadn't forgotten!

Unlike his review with Dr Freiburg he happily drew lines and circles - sometimes even staying on the paper! In my sons defence his pad for drawing is much bigger than A4. And once he discovered he shouldn't draw on the floor the crayoning got far more extreem (Mummy probably didn't help as she got the giggles!)

Sally seemed quite happy with his speech right hopefully next month we will get discharged from there as well.

Then its his last immunisations in October and that's it until my baby goes to school. I find it very hard to remember him as the same size as Grace next door. Right now he is a little boy rather than the toddler I thought of his as even last week.

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