Friday, 22 January 2010

When do I get my boost of energy???

All the 'wonderful' pregnancy books and websites tell you that once you get past 12 weeks you get this amazing energy boost and stop feeling so tired. Seeing as I'm nearly 17 weeks now and still waiting ...where is it? To be honest I could really do with it as I've only been at work 3 days this week and I am feeling completely washed out and exhausted.

Andy keeps suggesting I have a power nap when I get home - one small problem with that, if I drop off that is it for several hours and I'll never get the amount of sleep I need at night then :(

The big news is I think I felt the baby in the early hours of Thursday morning...I was awake at 3am and certainly felt something. I had debated waking Andy up to tell him but he was snoring well and I don't think he would have appreciated me waking him up to tell him that! After all he wouldn't be able to feel it to so it wouldn't have been exactly interesting or earth shattering for him!

1 comment:

  1. You should make the most of getting as much sleep/rest as you can now as you sure as heck won't get any after June. I remember once I had the baby, I used to wonder what I did with myself all day/evening/night.
