Friday, 29 January 2010

Day 5

He's home!!!! I was trying so hard to be fine when I picked him up from the station but I saw him walking up to the barrier and that was it, I started crying and just wanted to hug him. It really didn't help that he then got into a small queue to get through the exit barrier and it took far to long for me to get hold of him. I've ben trying to blame my hormones for my over emotional state but if I'm honest since I was ill in 2008 I've just become a much more emotional person whatever my hormones may or may not be doing!

At the moment Andy is dropping his Mums pills off then I have to feed him - I think it will be one of my concoctions before he settles down to watch the final ever Celebrity Big Brother. I have no problem with this so long as I get to see EastEnders - I appear to have stopped craving anything food based, just 1 soap and Casualty for an unknown reason! Neither can really be describesd as cheerful in anyway but I am hooked! Can I blame hormones for this as well!?!?!?

I've made my dessert for tomorrow and was amazed that double cream has a green rating for sugar! Natural Yogurt is amber...and the raspberries are also green so sugar/diabetes wise it all looks good until I think about the sugar I covered the top in! But if I'm feeling good I could not eat that bit or give it to Andy!! We'll forget about his diet until Monday maybe!!!

Gizmog is still sulking somewhere and I haven't seen him since we got home...not sure if he's trying to make Andy suffer or if he's hiding cos it snowed again. I wasn't impressed that I had to drive through what was basically a blizzard... I need spring and soon

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