Thursday, 7 January 2010

It snowed!

The usual English reaction to Snow has happened... it is now officially a disaster and the UK Population cannot cope with all the white stuff that keeps floating down from above! Mind you, it is really the ice that caused me more problems this morning!

Andy got a call/message from work last night and is working from Home...the company I work for are not like that so I drove in having persuaded my loving husband to drag himself out of bed to help de-snow my car for me! The drive in was uneventful in Ashford except for a small skid/slide around a roundabout close to home...But as I got further east the landscpe got whiter and once in the Port the roads were atrocious and the snow really deep (Well, deep for the UK anyway!)

I made it in on time and now it's over an hour later and only 3 other people have arrived! We have contacted our Manager re if we should stay or not and not had a decision other than he's on his way...with the news re the roads the chances of him making it in are slim so we'll simply wait for now! I want to drive home whilst it's still light if I'm honest, but time will tell!

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