Sunday, 25 April 2010

Week 30

As of today we've got to week 30...I am totaly amazed and to be honest starting to get decidedly scared. While I was getting well in 2008 I was slightly down at the thought I was not in a position to leave part of me behind (I think it was the day I was finally told how ill I'd been) and I sort of made a promise to myself that I would do whatever was needed to ensure I did! And the scary thing now is I've nearly achieved the promise I made....

One thing that is happening is I'm getting slightly paranoid about putting weight on! I know I have to but I also seem to want to hide the bump - almost as if I don't want people to realise I'm pregnant. The only rational thought I've come up with (well, as rational as I ever get) is that having lost so much weight and finally being able to buy stuff in 'normal' shops I'm scared of going back to being as big as I was. It was almost depressing to be able to keep up skirts I'd shrunk out of and when they got too tight it was horrible. Right now my wardrobe choice is really limited and I hate it (the fact one of the 2 summer skirts I can get on is white doesn't help and white - do be serious!)

The SPD or PGP as it is apparently known as this week (!?!?!) is also getting to me. If I rest totally I feel good for a few hours and yesterday I only took 2 doses of painkillers. TOday I took a dose at lunchtime but if I'm honest right now I'm not feeling too good and I'm feeling really guilty about having a go at Andy simply because he parked too far away from the door at Sainsburys...I can't blame baby brain for that, just how much pain walking inflicts on me and seeing as I hadn't taken any painkillers up to that point I wasn't in the mood to go through any more pain than I had to...

I've been really cruel to him this weekend - yesterday I dragged him round Asda as they are having their Baby and Toddler Event... we now have a box of 70+ nappies (no idea how long they'll last to be honest) and a large box of wipes - but I know from spending time with Sam & Emily that they will be useful and it isn't as if they are going to go off!!Also got a Johnsons Baby Box - mainly cos I like the box if I'm truthful and I'm sure I'll find a use for it! It may be used to keep nappies in at a Grandparents house so I always have a supply to hand... Only need 2 more of them I guess!

 I have no idea what else I may need...I did find a really cute T shirt and shorts for £3 but Andy said no, and by that point I just wanted to load up the car with what we'd bought so I couldn't face arguing.....
Not really like me but I really was a long way from comfortable, plus I can always go back once I've got the all clear to drive again! (According to the Dr I shouldn't drive because of the co-codamol... As I think I've said I'm sulking as it really does feel as though I've regressed 2 years)

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