Wednesday 24 September 2014

Light appears to have been turned on at the end of the tunnel....

I was back at the hospital on Monday afternoon for another ECG. The last one I had while I was on CDU had started the minor panic as as my heart was only working at 20% of what what was  expected. At least that explained why I couldn't even walk 100m the day before....

On Monday I wasn't given any results, I assumed I'd get to know more when I see my consultant tomorrow. But yesterday I had a call from Cornelia, one of the specialist  cardiac nurse team I met while I was on Cambridge K ward.  She said she was calling about the being me I automatically assumed the worse. Stupid really as I'm feeling great!  As it turned out it was the opposite news. I was being phoned as the results were considerably better than anyone expected! 

My heart is currently working at 45%...Most women only achieve 55%! There is still a problem but not anything like as bad as first thought! This lead to a happy dance and lots of singing! Luckily none of the neighbours were around as I was pretty much bouncing off walls as  I had a mini solo celebration!

Back to hospital tomorrow for a blood test to check my kidneys and to try to get a prescription for my beta blockers as my previous GP managed. to miss them off my prescription....They aren't at all important.....

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