Today was a trip into my distant past! I actually left school 22 years ago (not a nice thought as in my head it is closer to 10 years ago) and today was a huge open day to celebrate 125 years of MGGS.
Before anyone thinks anything, I was not an original pupil...but I did leave before any of the current pupils were born...not a thought to stop you feeling old!!
On arrival you signed Iin by decade dependant on when you attended the school, wrote your name on a label and added a smileu face or two, again depending on your time at the school! So for today I was a Wilson again with a nice blue smiley face as my years were 1984 to 1989. This did mean as you walked around school you were looking at womens chests to see what colour sticker they had!!
Sadly I only met 1 person from my year - but she was at least in my form and I think the same house as me! I did meet a current day Viking and they still never win anything! It is good to know that the tradition we started still continues! It was odd walking through the front door (a huge no no when I was a pupil) but the house lists that used to be on display have vanished! It was also odd to see that one of the head girls has a beard and is called Jack!! If boys had neen allowed in my time I would never have passed a single A Level!!!
One of the first things to do was to find my third year form room (we started at 13 and did the first 2 years at a high school) the layout was as I remembered but the old wooden desks with lift upnlids are long gone, along with the very hard, splinter ridden wooden chairs!! I wonder if the current pupils know how lucky they are with interactive whiteboards and desks and chairs that don't draw blood!
My fourth year form room was a good old mobile...but we felt it was boring andsomehow got the ok to redecorate! We painted the walls baby pink (with sheep for added interest) and the ceiling blue with fluffy clouds!! If we had been in a form room in the school there is no way we would have been allowed to express ourselves like that!! But we loved it :-)
Thankfully our work of art is long gone and replaced by a rather impressive new home for the 6th form...complete with a large patio are with rather nice silver tables and chairs. I wonder if the current generation of foxes are well fed. Although we were told not to it was hard to resist them at times and sandwiches flew out of the window with alarming regularity.... kept us amused in our tiny rabbit hutch of a form room when in 6 1.
Most of the place has changed beyond recognition...but it was hard to get over the amount of carpet in the place...we just got concrete floors. And iron framed windows with large gaps that blew open if the wind was on the wrong direction. I'm sure in 1938 they were state of art, but but by the late 80's they weren't!!!!