Sunday, 21 February 2010

21 weeks

I'm feeling decidedly fat and frumpy right now and I seem to have lost the ability to bend on the middle... This week is set to be rather busy to be honest. I'm seeing my midwife tomorrow, have the ante natal clinic Tuesday morning and me 20 week scan Thursday afternoon. I have a feeling poor Tadpole is going to get some serious prodding and poking this week whether they like it or not!

Thankfully Andy has the afternoon off to come with me on Thursday - hopefully that may help him feel a little more involved, bt the back rubs I've been getting are fantastic and extremely welcome as my back is feeling awful...and I still have 17 weeks to go! Provided 'they' still decide I'm delivering at 38 weeks...

Poor Andy is stil suffering with a horrible cold...close to man flu I feel but I just keep pouring Covonia down him and making him honey & lemon! I have to admit I hate the stuff - I only take it when I think I'm close to death. But Andy appears to like the stuff and thinks it helps so I'm all for it! His cold did mean I got to see our gold medalist win in the early hours of Saturday mornng as I evacuated the bedroom due to the coughing, snoring and general fidgeting and noise! I went back to bed at 5.30 but was up just after 8.00 so didn't really get much sleep or relaxation! Last night was better, I think I may have died!!!

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